Friday, June 27, 2008

Noah Moves

Dear All,

Noah has started to support his neck better and better theses days, and soon enough he'll be crawlin' 'round the apartment. He loves for us to carry him around the house while we hold him, and I've developed a new game of "touch the nose" with him, which he really likes.

Jinny and I are wantin' to go camping outside of Seoul, and are trying to do more of that... Searching for that perfect camping place, free of other people, is a challenge in a nation the same size of Oregon with a population of 50 million (Oregon has only 3.5 million). Also, I'm reducing my activities at my Buddhist temple to devote more time to enjoying life more... This summer my goal is learn more Korean and deepen my studies of Nonviolent Communication (NVC - see and I am working toward becoming a Certified Trainer. Also under consideration, is returning to school for my PhD in Education, from a colleague of Alfie Kohn (Google "Alfie Kohn" to get a sense for my direction).

That's it for now... I'm really excited about taking more time with family..., and not having to sacrifice the money aspect to do it. Yippee!

That's all for now...


1 comment:

N. English said...

Great pics! Thanks for putting them up. We'll look forward to seeing more of little Noah and keeping up with you and Jinny. Get lots of sleep! All our love to Noah.